It is in moments wherein we feel helpless and disadvantaged that people of faith dismiss disappointments with empty clichés such as “what God has for me is for me,” or choose non-action as demonstration of waiting on the Lord.  This is an effective model of our own brand of necessary meekness that does not embody or exemplify the Biblical concept of meekness.

I want to speak to Christians who are within the workforce but find themselves frustrated by lack of advancement opportunity coupled with repeated incidents of accomplishments being minimized and shortcomings magnified.  Those who are in full-time ministry or have the fortune of being self-employed may not know of rejection by an employer.  However, a great number of believers are kept on their knees praying for opportunities to earn more money, advance their careers, and escape supervisors who lord over them like private sector dictators.  If you find yourself in this particular boat, rest assured you are not paddling alone.

When we think of rejection as a communication by a rejecter that one is not good enough—good enough to love, trust, marry or employ—in this case, the rejected man or woman is not good enough to promote or acknowledge.  Consider believers who cleave to the scripture stating, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31).  Maintaining the “right” attitude as one copes with daily rejection from those in authority over you—rejection that stunts one’s professional growth, hinders one’s ability to receive better compensation, or refuses to acknowledge one’s talent, skill set, and contribution is a challenge indeed.

I remember watching someone I trained obtain the promotion that I worked hard for; twice in fact.  My experience is not unique.  I know of others who have repeatedly been passed over by someone in authority over them.  In times of economic unrest, such as those in which we are currently living, rejection by an employer requires a practical application of scripturally-based faith rather than empty clichés that require no action.

The great value of workplace rejection is being able to walk away having learned more about yourself, your capabilities, your strengths, and your weaknesses.   I’m sure you’ll agree that knowledge is power, so let your aim be to extract as much as possible from a seemingly-negative event in your life.  This will be accomplished by two necessary tasks:  learning and responding to the message that the rejection is intending to convey.