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The Bald Woman: Regaining the Lost Glory Through Worship


The Bald Woman
Release Date:  October 1, 2019

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SKU: TBW_RTLG2018 Category:

Product Description

There are those within the Church who hunger for a real manifestation of the presence and power of God—those who aren’t satisfied with a visitation of His Spirit, but long for His habitation within and upon their lives.  This hunger is only surpassed by the measure of God’s love and desire to inhabit and rest upon the lives of His believers.  In The Bald Woman: Regaining the Lost Glory Through Worship, Dr. M. Stanley Butler shares a vision of a woman beloved by God, while exploring spiritual intimacy, true worship, and God-ordained purpose.  With a perspective that revisits traditional Christian teachings, he challenges the reader to reexamine what they’ve seen, heard, and experienced as one standing open-faced in the light of the truth of God’s Word.  The Bald Woman sounds a clarion call to an end-time Church; a call that awakens, a call that revives, a call that regains the lost glory through true worship

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 50 × 60 in


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